
Types of discipleship


Belong to a local church

Does it really matter if I’m a member or not? Why do I have to go to take a class to even become a member? Why do I have to sign anything? People often ask these questions about our membership process, skeptical as to why there seem to be so many “hoops” to jump through.

It’s true. We take membership seriously and with a lot of gravity. Committing yourself to a body of believers is weighty. But it’s also wonderful. When Covenant Members join, they commit to a spiritual family that provides encouragement and support. They are called to a biblical degree of responsibility, service and sacrifice to their brothers and sisters. Our elders and leaders also pledge to assist our Covenant Members with care, counsel, prayer and teaching.


  1. First Sunday – Learn about our vision, heart and values and have dinner with a member

  2. Orientation – Get connected and integrated into the life of the church

  3. Members Meeting – At the next Members Meeting, we will publicly affirm the covenant and welcome you into membership

Community Groups

Be known in community

When thinking about visiting or joining a community group, we typically say, “Proximity is priority.” We have community groups all over Atlanta that meet on different days and times. We would encourage you to start looking for a group close to where you live. You can find a list of our community groups and reach out to the respective group leader by clicking below. If you’d like a personal group recommendation, you can reach out to Barrett Fisher, at Barrett@ChristCovenant.com.

Community groups are the primary context where relational discipleship takes place at Christ Covenant, but they are not the only place where this sort of discipleship occurs.

Events – We are regularly hosting various types of events for our church, and most are open to non-members or can be gender-specific. Visit our Events page to register for events.

Discipleship Cohorts

Pursue accountability and growth

At Christ Covenant, we place a high value on relational discipleship and cohorts are a significant way we live out this value. Cohorts offer a smaller and more focused setting for mentor-style discipleship to occur within our church. Cohorts consist of 3-5 men or 3-5 women who commit to grow deeper in their faith over the course of 10 months together. These groups require serious commitment as participants commit to read several books, memorize Scripture, and gather for a once a month meeting. Those who take part will open themselves up to a great opportunity to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus. We hope you’ll consider joining a Cohort for 2024!

In 2025, we will offer 4 cohort tracks: Discipleship (a three-year track consisting of Grow, Mature, Lead focuses), Motherhood, Marriage, and Faith & Work. If you are interested in joining a Cohort then you can apply by clicking the link below. Space is limited so we will prioritize members who are currently participating in a community group at Christ Covenant.

If you have any questions about cohorts or are interested in leading a cohort then you can contact Barrett Fisher at barrett@christcovenant.com or Abbie Montgomery at abbie.montgomery@christcovenant.com


  1. You must be a current or pending member of Christ Covenant.

  2. You should already be actively participating in a Community Group.

  3. You should be able to commit to gather once a month for 10 months, and offer flexible enough availability to allow the cohort to schedule gatherings.

Applications will open in October 2024 and close November 30th.

Biblical Counseling

We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are sufficient to help address life’s problems. The Biblical Counseling Center offers individual and couples counseling for the members of Christ Covenant.

Be Counseled.

To request counseling, email counseling@christcovenant.com. For more information about receiving biblical counseling, read “Biblical Counseling: What to Expect".”

If you’re looking for information on Premarital Counseling, please visit our Premarital Discipleship webpage to learn more.

Be Trained.

Courses are taught throughout the year on a variety of topics. These courses equip members and those in the community with Biblical instruction for living the Christian life.

See our church events page for upcoming courses.